Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sydney, Australia!!

I made it!!
(Attempt #2 at this entry after somehow deleting the first one)

Quantas has officially become my favorite airline. The flight was almost 2 hours shorter than expected, there were TV sets on the backs of everyone's seats, the fish entree was good, and all of the steward(ess)s were very friendly. Not to mention the movies, music, and tv shows on demand for everyone. Never before did watching three movies with a four hour nap in the middle feel so good.

Right when I arrived at the hostel and set down my bags, I set out to see the Opera House and Harbor Bridge. I headed out the wrong direction. Luckily, my mistake led me directly to the Sydney Aquarium, which was amazing. I saw my first platypus in person and was suprised at how small it was (only about as long as my forearm) and how much it looked like all of the stuffed animal platypuses (platypi?) I've seen. Sadly, it successfully thwarted my attempts at taking its picture. The 8-foot shark in the walk-through aquarium was not so successful.

After a good two hours of staring at cool water creatures, I decided it was time to head to the Opera House, wherever it was. Here's how it turned out--

One $3 water bottle later (food is expensive despite the favorable exchange rate) and another experience of being slightly lost, I made it back to the hostel to decompress before dinner. All in all, a pretty great first 20-something hours.

Hope everybody's doing well at home.



sarang said...

andy! i miss you buddy! i'm so stoked that you're going to have the adventure of your life. keep on top of this blog!

Justin said...

Good luck Fish! Looking foward to keeping track of your adventures.

Jeremy said...

I love Quantas! and lamp

Unknown said...

i need a reminder on how you got these awesome airline tickets...?

Unknown said...

Didn't you ever see the movie Airplane! man?!! NEVER GET THE FISH ENTREE ON AN AIRPLANE!!

The Guy Known As Fish said...

oh lamp, you're so good.

i won the tickets by filling out a contest form at STA travel on campus.

i guess i need to watch airplane when i get back. it probably won't be on the inflight movie selection.