Sunday, February 24, 2008

Raglan and Auckland, New Zealand


Well, today was awesome. After three days of rain and sometimes gale-force winds spread between Auckland and Raglan, the sun showed it's beautiful face this morning. I didn't realize how much I needed to get outside, run around, and get some sun on my face until I woke up to clear blue skies.
Cardiff and I are staying at the Raglan Backpacker's hostel right now, and it's basically paradise. We are 30 feet from an inlet that we can kayak on, less than a block from a grocery store (rather than an uphill, rainy walk away from a little corner store like we were in Auckland), and a five minute drive from some SWEET surf. Not to mention the people here are friendly, the beds are comfy, and they have hammocks that are perfect for lying back and reading a book. In between kayaking, bike riding to a dump to try and find a cheap rash guard (unsuccessful), surfing, and general relaxation, I've made some serious headway in "The Cider House Rules."
Around 12 today, we headed out to the beach with our rented surfboards and, dare I say--frolicked in the waves? It was so much fun I didn't want to leave. Taking the biggest board they had, which makes getting up on a wave easier, was definitely a good choise. I stood up just about every time I caught a wave--a far cry from the one and only time I stood up the last time I tried surfing. I did catch the fin of my board in the ribs in the first few minutes, so I'm hoping for a cool bruise.
Basically, today made up for three days of sitting in the Lantana Lodge in Auckland, eating PB&J's, reading, and surfing the internet with Cardiff while it rained constantly. We did go on a somewhat eventful trek to the Auckland Museum one day. It involved a wrong left turn that took us in the exact opposite direction of where we were headed, but did give us a good view of the white-capped water of the bay, not to mention a test for our rainwear. When we did get to the museum, we saw a wide variety of Maori woodwork, which was impressive, and some exhibits of New Zealand wildlife. There used to be a bird on these islands that was 9 FEET TALL. Very impressive. Kiwi birds were also spread about the museum.
Well, my time on the internet just ran out so the screen went black. Here's hoping that what I'm typing is still going through.

Till next time.



Unknown said...

9 feet tall... damn, that's a BIG bird

Unknown said...

I feel like I'm living vicariously through you. But when'd you go to New Zealand. Didn't you just get into Australia?

Jeremy said...

I stayed at that same place! Awesome man. You driving that old subaru around?

The Guy Known As Fish said...

who are you, creator of "shaky guns"?
and which stephen is this? the one that marks the wong?
but i just spent one day in australia before heading to new zealand because my buddy's over here and has a week before he start work.
and yeah, we drove the subaru to the beach, on the left side of the road! on the left side of the vehicle!